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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

what i see when i'm blind

my first coherent thought this morning was that rules regarding working hours should change with the weather. today's one of those hazy, gray days that threaten rain but never quite follow through. when the alarm clock went off at 6:00 this morning, my eyes immediately responded that they had no intention of getting up if the sun wasn't. it was 7:15 before i finally staggered out of bed, feeling drugged and shaking off dreams about a burned house and a schnauzer that just had ear surgery.

it's funny how cloudy mornings affect us. when i don't see the sun, i feel sluggish and dull-witted. don't get me wrong--rainy days are my favorite of all, but only when i can curl up with a mug of tea and a good book or sit in an awning somewhere watching the thunderheads roll in and losing myself in the scent of rain. i'm not particularly fond of them when i have to be somewhere.

i was talking to the Lord this morning along a similar vein. when i don't perceive the Son, i lose focus and definition in my life. discipline to force myself to read my Bible and pray overtakes desire to spend time with Him.

then the Holy Spirit, who brings life and revelation to the Word, led me to this passage:

2 Corinthians 3:15-16 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

i pray for you today what i prayed for myself this morning -- that you would turn to the Spirit of God and seek a spirit of wisdom and revelation to see Him in the fullness of who He is; and that He would in turn honor His promise from 2 Corinthians 3:16 and show Himself strong to you as the Lord, mighty to save and close to your heart.

Monday, March 30, 2009

who am i?

i am no one.
i have nothing.
i'm a tiny
buried under a billion others
terrified of the attention
for which i struggle.

i'm just like you.


i've found definition
beyond me

life that's mine.
life i can reach.
life i can believe.

the I AM

do you know Him?